The IMAGEN Golf Podcast

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Daniel Guest

27 September 2024

6m 55s

F-O-R-E Minute Friday – For God's Sake Tee Up Your Driver Correctly!



Tee It Up Right: The Importance of Proper Driver Setup

In the world of golf, where every inch counts, even the seemingly simple act of teeing up your driver can make a significant difference in your performance. While it might seem like a minor detail, the height and placement of your tee can significantly impact factors like launch angle, spin rate, and overall distance. 

Finding the Sweet Spot

The "sweet spot" for tee height will vary slightly depending on your swing and the driver you use. However, a general rule of thumb is to have the top half of the golf ball visible above the top line of the clubface when the driver is resting behind the ball.

Teeing the ball too low can lead to a decrease in launch angle and increased backspin, resulting in a lower trajectory and potentially less distance. On the other hand, teeing the ball too high can promote a higher launch angle and less backspin, potentially leading to more distance but also a greater risk of inconsistent strikes and loss of control. 

Other Considerations

While tee height is crucial, it's not the only factor to consider. The placement of the tee in relation to your stance can also influence your swing and ball flight.

  • If you tend to slice the ball (curve it to the right for right-handed players), teeing the ball slightly forward in your stance can help encourage a more in-to-out swing path, potentially reducing the slice.
  • If you tend to hook the ball (curve it to the left for right-handed players), teeing the ball slightly further back in your stance can promote a more out-to-in swing path, potentially mitigating the hook.

Experiment and Find What Works

Ultimately, the best way to determine the optimal tee height and placement for your swing is through experimentation. Use a launch monitor if available or simply observe your ball flight and make adjustments as needed.

Key Takeaways:

  • Tee height significantly impacts launch angle, spin rate, and distance. 
  • A general guideline is to have the top half of the ball visible above the top line of the clubface. 
  • Experiment to find the ideal tee height and placement for your swing.
  • Proper teeing is a crucial but often overlooked aspect of maximizing your driver performance. 

By taking the time to tee your driver properly, you can unlock more distance and consistency off the tee, setting the stage for a successful round of golf.